Went down to HPP with the Bro's (and Callie) for a week and a half from the 24th July - 2nd August. I was doing one of Sam Ward's Freestyle Development Camps (http://www.loveitliveit.co.uk/trips/freestyle_development_camps.html). I learnt a lot during this week of coaching. The main moves I worked on with Sam were Front Loop, Back Loop, Space Godzilla, Helix and Cartwheels. I also did some work on my Right hand side roll getting this more efficient and making it easier to retain the feature. Also spent quite a bit of time working on competition rides and planning these in order to maximise points and making each relevant to the feature. My main moves for competition were Air Loop and Helix; for a Youth Freestyle competition we also worked on maximising non ICF scored moves such as enders, side surfs, roll in a hole etc.
The week's antics involved getting started on in Maccy D's, nearly exploding a gas cooker, getting evicted from the campsite, inappropriate phone calls and paddling the Regatta lake at 1 in the morning =)
It was a great fun week and I hope to be back up at HPP soon to practice these moves and learn some new ones! Will hopefully be there for the HPP Youth Freestyle competition if I can get a lift :)